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Packaging Bags

LEVANPLAST srl is a dynamic company specialized in the production of flexible packaging materials as sleeves for floriculture to food and even boutique bags.

Main production sectors


Production of sleeves for plants and cut flowers. The flexibility of the product satisfy the different customer’s needs.


The use of certified materials allow to keep the integrity of food with a good final outcome.


The bag is a real business card for stores. That’s why our bags have to enrich clothes they bring, both sartorial and pret-â-portér in the best way possible.

Do you want to customize bags for your products?

Request a free quote

Quality and innovation at the service of our customers

experience and creativity

Graphic design

Graphics and design are handled by a graphics Department, young and knowledgeable responsive to trends of the moment. It  works with the sales department able to understand the right match between product and price.

Where we are


Our company is easily reached along the provincial road S.P. 231 (south Italy Puglia) – exit Terlizzi centro. Merge onto the coplanar south and follow the signs.

For any information


Please fulfill the form to receive information about products, graphic design or quotation. We will contact you as soon as possible. Thank you

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